Våben/ uniformer

401 produkter

    401 produkter
    British Eighth Army North Africa, 1940-43
    75,00 kr
    US Halftracks of World War Two
    85,00 kr
    British Tanks in N. Africa 1940-42
    75,00 kr
    Allied Tank Destroyers
    75,00 kr
    Mechanised Infantry
    75,00 kr
    The Stuart Light Tank Series
    75,00 kr
    Gold and Coral
    245,00 kr
    British Board of Ordnance Small Arms Contractors, 1689-1840
    140,00 kr
    Scottish Firearms
    80,00 kr
    Jacob Snider's Action & E.M. Boxer's Cartridge; The Snider-Enfield Rifle
    80,00 kr
    English Pistols
    100,00 kr
    Arms and Armour
    150,00 kr
    Pattern Dates for British Ordnance Small Arms 1718 - 1783
    120,00 kr
    450,00 kr
    The World's Great Guns
    160,00 kr
    Dutch and other Flintlocks from Seventeenth Century Iroquois Sites; Selected Papers, 2 volumes.
    150,00 kr
    English Gunmakers. The Birmingham and provincial gun trade in the 18th and 19th century
    250,00 kr
    Uniformsknapper i den Danske hær 1911-1997
    120,00 kr
    Headdresses of the British Army: Yeomanry
    90,00 kr
    Officers and Soldiers of the French Army 1918
    75,00 kr
    The 25-pounder Field Gun 1939–72
    75,00 kr
    The Churchill Tank
    75,00 kr
    The Lee / Grant Tanks in British Service
    75,00 kr
    US Half-tracks of World War II
    75,00 kr
    The Churchill Tank
    75,00 kr
    The Sherman Tank in British Service, 1942-45
    75,00 kr
    The Sherman Tank
    75,00 kr
    Officers and Soldiers of the French Army 1914
    75,00 kr
    Merking av våpen og avdelingsmerking på norske militære våpen.
    120,00 kr
    Rettssystemets uniformshistorie
    150,00 kr
    Instruction manual of the Johnson Light Machine Gun. Horizontal Feed Model
    140,00 kr
    Report of Board on Tests of Revolvers and Automatic Pistols
    90,00 kr
    Game Shooting with Rex Gage
    190,00 kr
    Les Armées françaises à l'époque révolutionnaire, 1789-1804
    300,00 kr
    200,00 kr
    Patronentaschen, Patronengürtel und Banduliere 1850 - 1950
    1.500,00 kr
    Infantry weapons
    50,00 kr
    Breve til hjemmet i Krigen 1864
    220,00 kr
    Norsk Våpenhistorisk selskap. Årbok 2019
    180,00 kr
    Machine Guns: Their History And Tactical Employment (Being Also a History of the Machine Gun Corps,1916-1922)
    90,00 kr