Udenlandsk militærhistorie

602 produkter

    602 produkter
    Cæsar som Hærfører
    45,00 kr
    Germany's Fighting Machine
    90,00 kr
    Moderne krig og krigsteknik
    60,00 kr
    Wait for the Wagon
    45,00 kr
    Nato Logistics Handbook
    75,00 kr
    Kampf um die Baltischen Inseln 1917 - 1941 - 1944
    150,00 kr
    Chasseurs of the Guard
    75,00 kr
    Den Amerikanske Borgerkrigen 1861 - 1865
    90,00 kr
    Nelson's Purse. The Mystery of Lord Nelson's Lost Treasures
    120,00 kr
    The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
    90,00 kr
    Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
    90,00 kr
    Waterloo 1815
    80,00 kr
    Jena 1806
    80,00 kr
    Austerlitz 1805
    80,00 kr
    British Military Uniforms
    75,00 kr
    Harper's Pictorial History of The Civil War
    400,00 kr
    A history of the King's African Rifles and East African Forces
    140,00 kr
    Khaki & Red
    75,00 kr
    A Bridge to Victory
    100,00 kr
    Battle for the Falklands (1) Land Forces
    75,00 kr
    Battle for the Falklands (2)
    75,00 kr
    The History of the Lancashire Fusiliers 1939-45
    125,00 kr
    The Glosters
    120,00 kr
    The Royal Artillery and Their Daring Deeds
    90,00 kr
    80,00 kr
    Den katastrofale triumf. Krigen 1870-1871.
    140,00 kr
    Modern British Tanks and Fighting Equipment
    45,00 kr
    Making Tracks. British Carrier Story 1914 to 1972
    60,00 kr
    Battlefield. The weapons of modern land warfare
    140,00 kr
    The mounted Troops of the British Army 1066-1945
    100,00 kr
    The Life Guards, Dress and Appointments, 1660-1914
    60,00 kr
    Writing the Great War
    90,00 kr
    The History of the Duke of Welligton's Regiment 1919 - 1952
    140,00 kr
    Seacoast Fortifications of the United States
    120,00 kr
    Encyclopaedia of the Modern British Army
    140,00 kr
    Cavalry. The history of a fighting Elite 650BC - AD1914
    140,00 kr
    British Napoleonic Ship-of-the-Line
    75,00 kr
    War in Peace. Conventional and Guerrilla Warfare since 1945
    140,00 kr
    Archiv für Waffen u. Uniformkunde. Nummer 1. 1918
    100,00 kr
    The Paras. British Airborne Forces 1940–84
    80,00 kr