Første verdenskrig

370 produkter

    370 produkter
    The Civil Service Rifles in the Great War
    135,00 kr
    London Scottish in the Great War
    120,00 kr
    Indian Cavalry Officer 1914-15
    100,00 kr
    The Australian Army in World War I
    75,00 kr
    ANZAC Infantryman 1914–15
    80,00 kr
    The Belgian Army in World War I
    75,00 kr
    100,00 kr
    The Hell They Called High Wood
    120,00 kr
    Irish Regiments in the Great War
    90,00 kr
    Naval Guns in Flanders 1914-1915
    85,00 kr
    Steel Chariots in the Desert
    100,00 kr
    Jutland 1916
    80,00 kr
    The South Africans with General Smuts in German East Africa 1916
    125,00 kr
    When God Made Hell
    125,00 kr
    Sønderjyder i krig
    125,00 kr
    Illustrated Battlefield Guide - The Western Front - North
    85,00 kr
    Vimy Ridge 1917
    80,00 kr
    Gallipoli 1915
    80,00 kr
    Megiddo 1918
    85,00 kr
    Kaiserschlacht 1918
    85,00 kr
    History of the 1/1st Hants Royal Horse Artillery
    95,00 kr
    Osmannerrigets fald
    120,00 kr
    Gold Coast regiment in the East African Campaign
    175,00 kr
    Fra verdenskrig til borgerkrig
    140,00 kr
    History of the First World war
    50,00 kr
    Rouge Raiders
    80,00 kr
    The Vanished Battalion
    125,00 kr
    The Desert Campaigns
    150,00 kr
    On the Trail of the Poets of the Great War
    85,00 kr
    Good Old Somersets
    90,00 kr
    Tanganyikan guerrilla
    60,00 kr
    The Great War
    60,00 kr
    The Germans who never lost
    100,00 kr
    Ragtime Soldiers
    125,00 kr
    World War I. in photographs
    90,00 kr
    Massacre of the Innocents
    130,00 kr
    The Great War Generals
    75,00 kr
    75,00 kr
    The Silvertown explosion
    85,00 kr
    In Enemy hands
    80,00 kr