
115 produkter

    115 produkter
    National Geographic Magazine, Volume XLII, Number 4, october 1922
    75,00 kr
    Mau-Mau Warrior
    80,00 kr
    Warrior Peoples of East Africa 1840–1900
    75,00 kr
    The last expedition
    130,00 kr
    Chapman-Andrews and the Emporer
    100,00 kr
    Bare Feet and Bandoliers
    150,00 kr
    The Ethiopian Patriots
    120,00 kr
    The Armed Forces of South Africa, with an Appendix on the Commando
    145,00 kr
    The South Africans with General Smuts in German East Africa 1916
    125,00 kr
    Frontier Patrols
    420,00 kr
    Too Close To The Sun
    100,00 kr
    120,00 kr
    The African Wars
    110,00 kr
    Adventures with Animals and Men
    150,00 kr
    Gold Coast regiment in the East African Campaign
    175,00 kr
    The history of the Royal West African Frontier Force
    300,00 kr
    Steam and Quinine on Africa's Great Lakes
    160,00 kr
    Livingstone's Lake
    80,00 kr
    The Lake Steamers of East Africa
    350,00 kr
    Kreuzer Königsberg 1. Weltkrieg
    75,00 kr
    Red Strangers
    120,00 kr
    East Africa by Motor Lorry
    450,00 kr
    Sun, Sand and Somals
    70,00 kr
    The Campaign in German South West Africa 1914-1915
    90,00 kr
    They fought for King and Kaiser
    150,00 kr
    Urgent Imperial Service.
    150,00 kr
    Kenya Diary (1902-1906)
    75,00 kr
    60,00 kr
    Wir ritten für Deutsch-Ostafrika
    75,00 kr
    Geschichte der Kaiserlichen Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika
    120,00 kr
    The King's African Rifles
    350,00 kr
    White Hunters
    80,00 kr
    The Great War in Africa
    150,00 kr
    King of the Wa-Kikuyu
    75,00 kr
    The Company of Adventurers
    75,00 kr
    70,00 kr
    General Smuts' Campaign in East Africa
    80,00 kr
    50,00 kr
    Vilde dyr og sorte mennesker
    75,00 kr
    Lejrbaal langs ækvator
    75,00 kr